A PORCH! That’s what!
In the spring, Becky decided she wanted to add a porch to our house. Through the 12 years we’ve been here serving the guests at Casitas de Gila Guesthouses, we have focused almost exclusively on the Casitas. It was time to do something for us. It was time to create a place where we could sit in the shade during the summer months, and keep a few small windows open while rain fell.
Little did Michael realize how long it would take to do with only one person doing the work (that person being Michael, of course!).
So that’s what Michael has been doing instead of writing his Nature Blog articles.

Michael had the flagstones laid before the rain started, so he didn’t have to work in the mud. And he almost got the roof on before the rain, but not quite. A tarp worked well, though, until the metal roof was secured.
We are happy to report that the porch itself is just about done. The rest of the laying of the flagstones in the courtyard and cementing between them can wait until late fall when spending hours in the sun is more comfortable.
The Nature Blog will resume very, very soon …