Directions to Casitas de Gila …
Be careful using MapQuest or Google Maps! They may not always locate us accurately!
Check-in is between 3-6 PM NEW MEXICO TIME! Please phone BEFORE 6 PM if you will be delayed. Note: During Daylight Savings Time, New Mexico time is ONE HOUR LATER than Arizona time!
From Silver City (allow 45 minutes) and South of Gila:
- From Silver City (last chance for supermarket/beer/wine) take Route 180 WEST (towardsCliff/Glenwood), (note: Rt. 180 makes a sharp right at the True Value Hardware); continue 25 miles, then ** turn right onto Route 211.
NOTE: If you encounter a "Detour" or "Road Closed 3-1/2 miles Ahead" sign here, continue on Rt. 180 for another 5 miles to Cliff. Turn right onto Rt. 211 and follow the directions from Albuquerque below. Do NOT attempt to cross Bear Creek if there is water running across the road!
In about 4 miles you will reach the village of Gila. Continue straight, past the Valley Market (sadly, now closed), onto Route 153. Go about 200 yards and turn right onto Hooker Loop, a gravel road (road sign may be missing; look for turquoise Casitas sign on fence post).
- Follow Hooker Loop about 4 miles; turn right at Double E Ranch Road. After a half mile, turn right at Casita Flats. Continue a half-mile more and you will reach Casitas de Gila. (Please drive carefully and slowly as the road is only one lane wide and there can be two-way traffic.) Please come to the office to check in.
- NOTE: Si Señor in Deming is a great restaurant and our recommendation for lunch or dinner if you're passing thru Deming (closes Sunday at 3 PM).
From Albuquerque (allow 5 hours) and North of Gila:
- Exit I-25 at Socorro (last chance for supermarket/beer/wine). Follow Route 60 west to Datil, then turn left onto Route 12 west. Follow Route 12 to Route 180 after Reserve (NOTE: Rt. 12 makes a sharp right turn in Reserve; if you miss it you will drive endlessly into the forest before you realize your mistake.)
- Turn left onto Route 180 east and continue until you reach Route 211 in Cliff (eat in Magdelena, Reserve, or Glenwood; there's beer/wine on Rt. 180 in Buckhorn). Turn left onto Rt. 211. Follow Rt. 211 about 2 miles until you reach the village of Gila, then bear left onto Route 153.
- Go about 200 yards and turn right onto Hooker Loop, a gravel road (road sign may be missing; look for turquoise Casitas sign on fence post).
- Follow Hooker Loop about 4 miles; turn right at Double E Ranch Road. After a half mile, turn right at Casita Flats. Continue a half-mile more and you will reach Casitas de Gila. (Please drive carefully and slowly as the road is only one lane wide and there can be two-way traffic.) Please come to the office to check in.
Alternate LONGER Route (5-1/2 hours): I-25 south to Rt. 152 to Rt. 180 west to Silver City (last chance for restaurant/beer/wine). NOTE that Rt. 152 is mountainous and winding, prone to snow in the winter, and not plowed at night or on weekends. And sometimes the road is totally closed (due to snow, flooding, rock slides, road work), resulting in a very long detour for you, south to Deming and then north again.
From Tucson (allow 3-3/4 hours) or Phoenix (allow 5 hours)
Take I-10 east to Exit 20 for Lordsburg, NM. Go straight off exit ramp for about 2 miles, then take Rt. 70 west towards Silver City. After about 2 miles MAKE A SHARP RIGHT TURN ONTO RT. 90 west to Silver City.
If you need groceries, turn right onto Rt. 180 east in Silver City and stay on Rt. 180 for less than 2 miles until you see the Albertson's grocery on the right (next to Arby's). When you're done, turn LEFT out of their parking lot and follow the Silver City directions.
If you do NOT need groceries, you can turn left onto Rt. 180 west for 22 miles, and follow Silver City direction above from **.
Albuquerque — 5 hours
El Paso Airport — 3-1/2 hours
Carlsbad — 5-1/2 hours
Las Cruces — 2-1/2 hours
Phoenix — 5 hours
Santa Fe — 6 hours
Silver City — 45 minutes
Socorro — 3-3/4 hours
Tucson — 3-3/4 hours
There is a gas station on Rt. 180 in Cliff; open daily till 6:30 PM.
There is an Albertson’s Supermarket on Rt. 180 in Silver City; open daily till 10 PM (Turn LEFT out of their parking lot to continue to Gila).
There's a food co-op in the Historic Downtown in Silver City, on Bullard Street; open Mon-Sat till 7 PM. Open Sundays, too.
We have available restaurant-quality chicken breasts (frozen, 8 oz. ea, boneless/skinless, $4 each), chicken thighs (boneless/skinless, $6/pkg), and wrangler steaks (frozen, 8oz. ea, $6 each). Call ahead and we can defrost them for your arrival. Each Casita has a full kitchen and bbq grill with charcoal and starter.
You can also eat in Deming (Sí Senor is great), Silver City, Glenwood, Alma, Reserve, or Magdelena depending on which town you pass through.
Thank you Brian Miller for most of the photos on this page!