Southwestern Guesthouses on 265 Acres
near Silver City, New Mexico
overlooking Bear Creek and the Gila Wilderness

Gems & Fossils

Recently we made our 12th annual pilgrimage to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, an event that never ceases to amaze us! (And exhaust us!) Our primary reason for attending is so that Becky can purchase the semi-precious stones and beads she needs to create her unique jewelry, which is available for purchase in the […]

Seeking Southwest Turquoise

Earlier this week Becky and I made our 10th annual pilgrimage to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Showcase to purchase materials for her jewelry making. The Tucson Gem Show is always held over a two-week period at the end of January and the first part of February. And, even after 10 years, we both still […]